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Photo: Caronte & Tourist

Photo: Caronte & Tourist

Caronte & Tourist chose Turkey for the first Italian LNG propelled ferry

Ferry Caronte &Tourist finally disappointed compatriot Rosetti Marino shipyard of Ravenna and announced that the first Italian LNG powered ferry will be built in Turkey.

The ferry group’s CEO Lorenzo Matacena confirmed the contract was sealed in October and the selected Turkish shipyard – whose name was not disclosed - will take 18 to 24 months to deliver the ship that will be deployed across the Messina Strait between Messina and Villa San Giovanni.
No financial or technical details were disclosed (based on former reports, EUR 25-30 million were likely to be invested on a ro-pax of 130 metres in length).
According to industry sources Sefine Shipyard of Altinova was the appointed shipyard.
© Shippax / Angelo Scorza

Nov 22 2016

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