TYCHO BRAHE © Öresundslinjen
Calculate it yourself: Öresundslinjen ferry or bridge?
FerryIt pays off to take the ferry when you want to cross the Öresund. This is shown by Öresundslinjen’s new calculator, where motorists can calculate how much money and kilometres they save by traveling with Öresundslinjen’s ferries across the strait.
Öresundslinjen acts as a shortcut between Sweden and Denmark and from the vast majority of locations you can save both money and kilometres - especially if you buy your ticket in good time. But the calculation is difficult to calculate, which is why Öresundslinjen is launching a calculator on the website, where motorists can get an idea of how much they can save in money and kilometres.
"Of course it's not a completely simple calculation and we have to put a number of fixed parameters into the calculator - but this is our attempt to find the calculation that comes closest to the truth - and then motorists have to judge for themselves whether to take the ferry or the bridge, simply which option provides the most value for them," says Molslinjen's commercial director, Jesper Skovgaard.
The calculator uses Google Maps to calculate the fastest route and prices for the cheapest available ticket via Öresundslinjen are entered, combined with the cheapest crossing over the Öresund Bridge and FDM's calculation of the lowest cost per kilometre driven with a medium-sized petrol car. In the calculator, you can also choose to show the price per kilometre for other car types and categories.
"Our calculator does not take into account time and possible queues on the roads - only the specific cost saved, and the number of kilometres saved when the car is stationary on the ferry," says Jesper Skovgaard. He is well aware that motorists will scrutinize the calculator's methodology and results – but he also believes that some will be surprised:
"We present the calculation of costs and kilometres as honestly and openly as we can. If there are journeys where it does not make sense to take the ferry, the calculation also shows this. It is intended as a guiding tool and there are actually a lot of savings to be made - even if you don't book well in advance and find the cheapest ticket," says Jesper Skovgaard.
© Shippax
Feb 26 2024