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CORSICA linea and Spinergie combine artificial intelligence and maritime decarbonization

Ferry Since April 2024, CORSICA linea has deployed the voyage optimization solution from French start-up Spinergie, a maritime technology company specializing in monitoring ship performance using big data and artificial intelligence. This decision-making tool helps improve the environmental and operational impact of the passenger and freight transport company, which aims to be the most modern in the Mediterranean by 2030.

As part of its strategic plan to achieve a 40% reduction in its CO2 emissions by 2030, CORSICA linea has chosen Spinergie's solution, which is designed to optimize operational efficiency and environmental performance.

The Voyage Optimizer is a decision-support tool that helps choose the most fuel-efficient and CO2-reducing voyage plan. By analyzing the vast amount of data that is collected by onboard sensors and meteorological information, the Voyage Optimizer creates consumption models for each ship and allows for real-time monitoring of their activity and performance.

Fuel consumption simulations offer ship captains the opportunity to arbitrate, based on reliable data, between different route and speed scenarios to make the best decisions before departure, also considering operational constraints (management of schedules and port times, logistics) and weather uncertainties.

The tool also helps improve fleet management from shore-based services through a more detailed analysis of consumption sources, more precise identification of fuel reduction levers, and better control of schedules and port times.

The resulting energy performance gains have an immediate impact on ships' environmental footprint, with an estimated 4% reduction in fuel consumption per crossing and 10,000 tonnes of CO2 avoided annually.

“Before departure, the captain enters the destination and planned crossing times, and the Voyage Optimizer indicates the most energy-efficient voyage configuration based on real-time data and the ship's characteristics. Captains are thus guided very precisely on the number of engines to use throughout the crossing, the average speed to adopt to optimize fuel consumption and, ultimately, reduce CO2 emissions.

“The design and deployment of this solution were fully developed with captains to ensure that it meets their needs as effectively as possible. Daily exchanges with Spinergie’s team and the quality of data collected by onboard sensors allow for constant evaluation of algorithms for improved tool performance ,” says Aurélien Maillard, ship captain at CORSICA linea.

A "fleet center" to monitor ship performance in real time

The Voyage Optimizer's navigation assistance is integrated into, a real-time fleet monitoring operational center.

In the long term, CORSICA linea's fleet center, developed within Spinergie's Vessel Performance module, will enable a 360-degree evaluation of the fleet's energy performance, including the impact of technical choices made to reduce ship consumption and an accurate data analysis of energy efficiency losses.

The partnership with Spinergie demonstrates our environmental commitment to seek out the most innovative technologies adapted to a fleet of ships that must undergo its energy transition in a world that will inevitably shift towards a low-carbon industrial revolution.

“The modern company is the one that succeeds in combining its environmental transition and economic performance. The fuel savings obtained are entirely reinvested in the modernization of our naval fleet, which must be exemplary for serving Corsica and North Africa,” says Pierre-Antoine Villanova, Managing Director of CORSICA linea.

“The decarbonization of the maritime sector represents an immense and complex challenge, forcing shipowners to rethink their fleet's planning, management, and monitoring.

“Spinergie provides actionable analyses and recommendations, quantifying the gains in consumption after a technical stop and helping a captain define a fuel-efficient crossing plan adapted to the ship and weather conditions.

“We are delighted to collaborate with CORSICA Linea, a company firmly focused on current challenges and innovation. Our exchanges with their teams are both fluid and productive, creating an ideal context to generate a real impact,” adds Jean Cristofari, CEO and co-founder of Spinergie.

An ambitious and pragmatic decarbonization trajectory

This industrial and technological partnership aligns with CORSICA linea's strategic plan to achieve a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 with a low-carbon fleet in the Mediterranean.

CORSICA linea is deploying a EUR 500 million investment plan to adapt and renew its fleet. The company commissioned its first LNG-powered new ship for Corsica services in 2023, A GALEOTTA. The second, CAPU ROSSU, under construction, will join the fleet in spring 2026.

CORSICA linea is implementing a portfolio of 50 projects to:

  • Introduce the concept of sobriety by acting on the operational aspect of the fleet (reduction of navigation speeds, adaptation of schedules):
  • Improve the energy efficiency of ships (optimization of driving and reduction of energy consumption thanks to AI with Spinergie, optimization of hydrodynamics and propulsion motors):
  • Develop the use of decarbonized fuels (LNG, bio-LNG, synthetic fuels):
  • Ensure an improvement in air quality in cities thanks to decarbonized port calls with the electrical connection to the quay (CENAQ) of ships. With five equipped ships, CORSICA linea is the most advanced ferry company in electrical connection to the quay in the Mediterranean:
  • CORSICA linea advocates for the creation of the first green corridor in the Mediterranean on the Corsica-Continent route: A zero-emission maritime route.

A global energy efficiency plan that is yielding its first results with a 15% reduction in CO2 emissions per nautical mile by the company between 2022 and 2024.

Oct 18 2024

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