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Piret Mürk-Dubout

Piret Mürk-Dubout

Tallink Grupp appoints Management Board Member Piret Mürk-Dubout into additional role of Managing Director of Tallink Silja AB

FerryTallink Grupp has announced that, following the planned retirement of Ats Joorits from the position as Managing Director of the group’s Swedish subsidiary Tallink Silja AB on 31 August 2024, the group’s Management Board Member Piret Mürk-Dubout will assume the additional role of the subsidiary’s Managing Director. Mrs Mürk-Dubout will take on this additional role in the company, while also maintaining her role on the group’s Management board, from 1 September 2024.

The decision comes after the subsidiary's current Managing Director Ats Joorits, who was appointed into the role in March 2021, announced his plans to retire from the business earlier this summer. Mrs Mürk-Dubout joined Tallink Grupp as Management Board Member in April 2019 and leads the company's sales, marketing, customer services, on board services and concepts development, travel retail and sustainable business areas on the board level. Prior to joining Tallink Grupp, Mrs Mürk-Dubout held the position of CEO of Tallinn Airport, and a number of senior management roles before that in Estonia and Sweden, most notably and recently in the ranks of telecoms giant Telia Group.

Commenting on the appointment of Mrs Mürk-Dubout into this additional role within the company, Tallink Grupp's CEO Paavo Nõgene said:

„Piret has extensive and significant knowledge and experience with the Swedish market from her previous companies and roles, and a clear vision on how our Swedish business should be developed in the years to come. I am pleased that she has agreed to take on this additional responsibility and challenge to work with our professional and dedicated Swedish team to build and develop our offering to this key market."

In addition to Mrs Mürk-Dubout's appointment and following a reorganisation of the sales and marketing operations and functions in Tallink Silja AB, the company has appointed Mr Enrique Hellsten as the Swedish subsidiary's new Sales Director and Mr Jan Holmberg as the new Marketing Director of Tallink Silja AB. Mr Hellsten assumes the new role from within the business where he most recently held the position of Customer Service and Operations Manager.

Mr Holmberg joins the company from Telia, where his latest role included responsibilities for the company's digital marketing strategy, media management, and development agenda, positioning Telia at the forefront of digital marketing. Before that, he headed the consumer marketing department in Telia Sweden, consolidating marketing efforts across various business units. Prior to joining Telia, Mr Holmberg developed and executed international marketing strategies at Scandinavian Airlines as the company's Director of International Marketing before moving into the position of Global Brand Director at the airline.

Mr Hellsten's and Mr Holmberg's appointments are effective from 13 August 2024.

Resignation of Colin Douglas Clark as a member of the Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp

AS Tallink Grupp also announced that on 9 August 2024 Colin Douglas Clark, a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company, notified the Management Board of the Company and the Supervisory Board of the Company of his resignation from the Supervisory Board of the Company.

As of the resignation of Colin Douglas Clark, the Supervisory Board of the Company shall continue with 6 members.

© Shippax

Aug 13 2024

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