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The Grimaldi Group partners with UNICEF to transport essential aid for vulnerable children

Ro-roUNICEF and the Grimaldi Group have signed a one-year logistics agreement with the aim of facilitating the transportation of life-saving aid for UNICEF’s humanitarian programmes in Africa.

The aim of the partnership is to improve the access to essential supplies for children and their families in UNICEF’s emergency conditions and development programmes.

The Grimaldi Group will provide free maritime transportation for at least 80 containers of UNICEF’s aid on the New York (U.S.) - Dakar (Senegal) route, contributing to the speed and efficiency of the distribution of essential supplies.

“UNICEF provides aid worldwide to children and families in need, with the aim of enabling them to live, grow and cope with shocks, and to rebuild their lives. Behind the supply delivery operation lies a significant coordination effort that enables us to be timely and effective” - said Carmela Pace, President of UNICEF Italy. “Therefore, I want to thank the Grimaldi Group for choosing to be on children’s side by supporting UNICEF in this important work of providing essential assistance for the implementation of our programmes.”

“The Grimaldi Group has always been committed to generating positive impacts in the communities where it operates. This commitment is not limited to providing efficient maritime transport and logistics services, but also extends to various social, cultural and environmental initiatives” - said Gian Luca Grimaldi, Chairman of Grimaldi Group S.p.A. “The partnership with UNICEF aligns perfectly with these activities. Through the provision of complimentary transportation for aid containers on our ships, we are pleased to extend our support to vital charitable activities benefiting children and families in need, contributing to the construction of a better future for them and their communities.” 

Mar 24 2025

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