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Paolo d’Amico appointed New Chairman of Registro Italiano Navale

The new Chairman and Board of Directors of Registro Italiano Navale will be in charge for 2020-2023. Among his priorities: a global approach to sustainability and digitalization to restart the economy after pandemic emergency.

Paolo d’Amico, Executive President of d’Amico Società di Navigazione, is the new Chairman of Registro Italiano Navale, following the previous appointment as Vice Chairman and member of the Board of Directors.

Registro Italiano Navale is the majority shareholder (70%) of RINA S.p.A., thus of the RINA Group. The other RINA S.p.A. shareholders are Naus S.p.A. (27%) e the RINA management (3%). Registro Italiano Navale is a private undertaking, comparable to a trust. Its Board of Directors includes representatives of the key categories connected with the undertaking and with its subsidiaries.

The new Chairman, who will be in charge until 2023, was elected during the Board meeting on October 6th. Paolo d’Amico follows Gaspare Ciliberti, appointed President Emeritus in recognition of his valuable and unique contribution in this chair for more than 20 years. Luigi Merlo of Confcommercio will assist Paolo d’Amico as Vice Chairman. Flavio Bregant, Cristina Castellini e Vincenzo Petrone have been appointed as members of the Executive Committee. Roberto Cazzulo has been confirmed as Secretary General.

Paolo d’Amico’s business experience will greatly support, as majority shareholder representative, RINA S.p.A. strategies and continuous international growth, through significant investments in the digitalization of its services across all industry sectors.

The new Chairman in his opening speech said: "Covid-19 has given momentum to some latent factors that require great competence and technological skills. Registro Italiano Navale has the primary goal to support RINA S.p.A. in building the future, starting from some assets that have re-confirmed their importance during the pandemic emergency: environmental sustainability – in its widest meaning, including finance and governance – and digitalization. RINA S.p.A. has demonstrated its dynamic approach and capability to build the basis for a solid and sustainable development. This vision follows the chairmanship of Gaspare Ciliberti, who led Registro Italiano Navale with great commitment and to whom go my most sincere thanks".  

Oct 22 2020

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