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Welcome to the 2025 Shippax Ferry Conference!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to take part in the 2025 Shippax Ferry Conference, the 22nd annual onboard ferry conference organized by Shippax.

WHERE? DFDS' Gotlandsbolaget's PEARL SEAWAYS (ship to be renamed)
ROUTE? Copenhagen-Oslo-Copenhagen
WHEN? 2-4 April 2025


“Increased efficiency, standardisation and sustainability”


Ro-pax executive panel debates
One debate will focus on long-range and international services, a second to concentrate on short-range commuter and lifeline services as well as on domestic ro-pax operations. The panels are going to look into a very broad range of aspects related to the ro-pax business, ranging from macroeconomic and political framework conditions to the latest trends related to newbuildings, operational optimisation, application of alternative fuels and propulsion systems, onboard services, marketing, safety, security, crewing, and much more. As a particular focus, 2025 will see us look in-depth into the opportunities of digitalisation / AI applications as well as standardisation. Moreover, the second ro-pax operator's panel debate will analyse how short-range operations can be electrified - looking into suitable strategic approaches for such as step, along with the shore-side infrastructure and crew training needs.

New ships & projects
The session is going to feature the latest technological trends. Several upcoming newbuilding projects will be presented, along with new approaches to energy efficiency and propulsion.

Opportunities of modular concepts on the road towards zero-emission ro-pax operations
The use of, for example, hydrogen or battery power is complex in technological and regulatory terms, particularly when it comes to the application of such technology onboard existing vessels and/or in areas with limited port infrastructure. Modular solutions, such as tank trailers or mobile battery packs, may provide an interesting approach particularly in demanding environments. We will not only look into examples of available technology but also into regulatory challenges (and approaches to tackle them).

Crewing and generation Z seafarers
Finding good staff and keeping them 'onboard' is a constant challenge for most ro-pax operators and the focus of this session. The onboard accommodation, food, leisure activity offers (gym, etc.), a modern leadership culture, offers for further qualification, and much more. But which are the real priorities of seafarers? And in what way does 'Gen Z' differ from earlier seafarer generations? How (and where) can operators recruit prospective staff? And to what extent can psychologic testing help to identify if a person is suitable for a job at sea or not?

Opportunities (and limits) of digitalisation for the ro-pax industry
This session will look into this topic, analysing the chances that especially AI bears to optimise operations at sea, in ports, and in the shore-based organisations of ro-pax operators. But we will not just look into opportunities - also challenges and limits will be discussed: How can staff (onshore and onboard) be qualified to make the most out of their developing digital environment? And how can it be avoided that officers take rather more care of the 'digital twin' than of their real vessel? Which resources are necessary in order to implement new hard- and software solutions? And what about cyber security?

Shipbrokers' talking table
The sales and charter market for ro-pax vessels, as well as the role of shipbrokers in this market. How is the market developing, and how does a changing regulatory network (comprising new elements such as the emissions trading scheme and FuelEU Maritime) affect the value of existing ships? Where are the niches for older tonnage? And how is the role of shipbrokers changing in the ro-pax industry (or is it changing after all)? What is the 'added value' of a shipbroker - for example when placing a newbuilding or conversion contract?

And more...
As usual, the Shippax Ferry Conference 2025 is also going to feature keynote speakers, analysis talks featuring the ro-pax market as well as the newbuilding market for ro-pax vessels, presentations of interesting and innovative products and services for the industry, Interferry update, Bruce Peter's popular look into exciting historic aspects of the ferry industry, and last but not least, our Shippax Awards ceremony.

PEARL SEAWAYS © Maritime Photographic

PEARL SEAWAYS © Maritime Photographic


See photos from the 2024 conference


Just as previous years, we expect to become sold out well ahead of the conference, so we strongly recommend booking early to secure a seat.


For maximum exposure – book an exhibition area and/or sponsorship early to ensure a favourable place.

Sep 26 2024

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