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Condor Ferries sees strong increase in 2024 summer sailings

Condor Ferries reported a +14% Y-O-Y increase in overall network carryings during this year’s peak travel period (14 July – 3 September 2024), representing an increase in carryings of 26,874 compared to 2023. Of particular significance is the increase in passengers carried to and from the island of Jersey: during the peak 2024 period, Condor Ferries carried 19,217 additional car and foot passengers on UK and French services to and from Jersey compared to the same period in 2023, amounting to an increase of +16%.

Inter-island carryings increased by +75%: 15,369 passengers travelled between the Islands during this period in 2024, compared to 8,766 in 2023. The number of car and foot passengers travelling to and from Guernsey from the UK and France increased by 1,084, representing an increase of +2%.

These promising figures are partly due to the altered summer schedule introduced in 2024, which increased the number of sailings on offer. CEO Christophe Mathieu commented: “The figures are very encouraging and would not have been achievable under the previous timetable which was adjusted at the start of the season. This offered improved frequency of sailings from St Malo and Jersey, along with extra capacity from the UK thanks to Condor Islander’s first summer in service”.

Looking ahead, Condor is pleased to report strong growth in its late summer and early autumn bookings across all routes, with car volumes returning to pre-Covid levels.

Mr Mathieu added: “The success of this summer, coupled with positive indicators for the shoulder months and into next year, offers optimism that 2025 could be a good season for the Channel Islands.”

We will be working closely once again with our industry partners, including the Jersey and Guernsey Hospitality Associations, Visit Jersey, VisitGuernsey, and UK and continental tour operators, to maximise the opportunity.”

© Shippax

Sep 12 2024

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